Crispy Peanut Tofu

Crispy Peanut Tofu

(Adapted from the Minimalist Baker)

Prep Time: 35 minutes (including pressing tofu)
Total Cook Time: 20-30 minutes
Total Time: ≈1 hour
Serves: 4 - 6


  • 1 block of tofu
  • 1.5 tbsp toasted sesame oil
  • 2 1/2 tbsp creamy peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup of soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup of brown sugar
  • 1 tsp chili garlic sauce (you can use less if you're less-enthusiastic about spiciness like Ms. GVaGH)
  • Stir-fry vegetables (bell pepper, broccoli, peas, bok choy, etc.)
  • 2 tsp sesame oil and 1 tsp soy sauce for sauteeing


  1. Drain and press the tofu block at least 30 minutes ahead of time.  We do this by wrapping it first in a paper towel, then another layer with tea towel.  We then place the doubly-wrapped tofu block between two plates somewhere close to the wall on the counter.  Onto the top plate goes 2-3 heavy cookbooks arranged in a way to keep them from sliding off.  (Ooooor you could save yourself a lot of work by getting a tofu press like this.)  After 30 minutes of pressing, the tofu should be ready to cook!
  2. In the meantime in a medium-sized bowl, make the sauce by mixing together sesame oil, peanut butter, soy sauce, brown sugar, and chili garlic sauce until thoroughly combined.
  3. Prep your stir-fry veggies (chopping greens, slicing peppers, prepping broccoli/peas for steamer, etc.)
  4. Once the tofu is drained and pressed, butcher your tofu into bite-size cubes.
  5. Heat 2 tsp sesame oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.  When the oil sizzles when you flick water on it, it's ready for the tofu.  Add the tofu to the pan, and cook for about 10 minutes, turning/flipping 2-3 times to get some golden brown color on your tofu.  In the last minute, add 1 tsp of soy sauce and give your tofu a shake to add some deep umami caramelization.
  6. Add the sauce to the pan and lower the heat to medium.  Mix your tofu thoroughly into the sauce to get as much coverage as possible.  Cook 5-10 minutes, stirring frequently until the sauce caramalizes and starts to clump and stick to the tofu (but keep an eye on it as the sugars may burn if cooked too long).  (You can cook as long as you like for consistency, but we like it really thick and caramely.)
  7. Add any stir-fry veggies in and cook through.  (We have noticed that when we add broccoli/peas, it often waters the sauce down and makes it un-sticky, so we usually steam them separately usually keep the broccoli on the side.)
  8. Serve with noodles or rice!  We usually cook this with our Instant Pot Yellow Rice.